Abstract Submission

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

  1. Abstract must be prepared either in LaTeX or .doc format. Click here for the template in LaTeX or .doc. You need to attach the PDF file through CMT.
  2. The address of the author who will present the paper must be clearly specified following the guideline.
  3. Incomplete or incorrectly formatted abstracts will not be accepted.
  4. The official language for all abstracts, papers, and oral presentations is English.
  5. The abstract should state concisely the methods and results of the paper.
  6. Abstracts are limited to 300 words (maximum), not including title, author, and keywords. A character is defined as any keystroke, including spaces and punctuation. Abstracts exceeding this count will be truncated. Please submit your abstract free of typographical errors or misspellings.
  7. All abstracts have to be submitted via CMT submission site http://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICAS2019/. Submitting author must have a valid working email address to create an user account in CMT. If CMT doesn't work you may contact conference@isrt.ac.bd
  8. Communication between the conference committee and presenting authors will be done via CMT user account. All submitting authors will receive frequent conference updates via CMT.
  9. Audiovisual Guidelines - Each technical session room will be equipped with a complimentary PC-compatible laptop, LCD projector, screen, and lectern with microphone. Additional equipment must be ordered and paid for by the presenter. Please note that overhead projectors, Internet access, and laser pointers will not be provided.

For any query related to ICAS2019 use the following email-- conference@isrt.ac.bd